Home Terry Sanders

    Terry Sanders



    Terry Sanders – Educator, Clinician and Adjudicator Terry Sanders received his degrees in Music Education and Computer and Information Science from Troy State University.  He studied percussion under Dr. Samuel Frederick, while marching with the “Sound of the South” Trojan Band under the Direction of Dr. Johnny Long from 1980 to 1985.   He also studied percussion privately with Sergeant Carl Griggs of the United States Marine Band.  Terry was the Co-Percussion Caption Head and arranger for the Florida Wave Drum and Bugle Corps from 1980 - 81. Terry actively serves as a championship level adjudicator for fall marching competitions and indoor percussion and indoor winds competitions across the country.  He is a currently an active Official WGI Percussion Judge. Mr. Sanders currently serves on the WGI Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee. Terry is also a member of the 2022-2024 WGI Steering Committee. He has served many years on the WGI Percussion Advisory Board, most recently in 2016.  He is a member of Phi Mu Alpha music fraternity, and he is an active member of the Percussive Arts Society and currently serves on the PAS Marching Percussion Committee and the PAS Diversity Alliance. Mr. Sanders formerly served from 2018-2022 as the Program Coordinator and as a Music Ensemble consultant for Southwind Drum and Bugle Corps. Terry also was the Program Coordinator for the WGI 2016 PIO Bronze Medalist - Freedom Percussion from St. Louis, Missouri. Terry is currently an Educational Artist endorser for Innovative Percussion, the REMO Drumhead Company, Sabian Cymbals and the Pearl /Adams Drum Company. Mr. Sanders also operates and owns the Mic Check One Two One Two Virtual Percussion Judges Academy.